Speeding Tender
Speeding Tender
Picture of Arnd


2024-05-12 Sint Maarten Arrival


We alternated standing watch with 2 shifts of 2 hours and two shifts of 3 hours. That gave us both a bit of sleep and traffic at sea was very light. On the whole passage we only saw one ship. That was only doing 5 knots on a direct opposite course, but when it was still 10NM away it veered by 10° before passing us.


I changed our motorsailing speed so that we would arrive in Simpson Bay shortly after 09:15AM, that gave us a bit of time to prepare for the entry into the Simpson Bay Lagoon using the 09:30 inbound bridge. There were only a handful of boats in line and the optimal anchoring spot off Palapa Marina and the Soggy Dollar Bar was open for Zanshin to take. I re-anchored one time to position myself more equally for the expected windshifts and then changed into my formal polo shirt so that I could go ashore and clear in.

Immigration was an absolute mess. A local boat with about 200 people was in the process of clearing out and tempers were short on all sides. One passenger fainted so there was an ambulance call as well. I needed to remove John from my crew list and had his e-ticket on my cell phone, but there was no internet in the office, so I needed to walk to the local McDonalds for free Wi-Fi in order to download the document. Once back, I produced the ticket so that John was officially “off” Zanshin and then the rest of the clearing in process took only another 30 minutes.


Trying to take a nap in the windless conditions was difficult, but both John and I managed to catch up on some Z’s before heading ashore.

Happy Hour and Dinner

John had missed happy hour at the Soggy Dollar more than I had, and the event was a lively one. After the cheap drinks ended at 19:00 a group of us headed to Bombay Bites for dinner. After dinner I returned to Zanshin as I had a 06:00AM conference call and John stayed out and partied.