
The first thing I did this morning wasn’t to put the water on the boil for coffee; it was to up top and open all the hatches so that any hint of a breeze could be caught and used to cool down the boat.
Barely a breath of wind and it looks like it will remain that way for most of the day. I’d like to get my boat preparation work done this morning, but I have a day at the office to take care of first.
I took a break at 09:30 to zip across to Island Waterworld and fill up on gasoline for the dinghy and 2 canisters of diesel to feed my engine. It was a nice breeze while the dinghy was moving, but once aboard again I started to sweat again.

I’m taking a break from work and finished splicing the 2 eyes into my 1″ diameter 3-strand line that will become an anchoring bridle once I finish. I’ll put the eye in the middle and whip it (not the Devo song, but I’ll do a whipping).
The afternoon went by quickly and tomorrow I’ll take the solar panels down and finish my last preparations before clearing out and heading to Antigua.

The wind has been light but coming from all directions and I found myself with 20 feet of water at the depth sounder forward of the keel but from my dinghy trailing off the back of the boat I only had 7.5 feet! That means my rudder might have touched mud on occasion.