Norma Jean entering the lagoon
Norma Jean entering the lagoon
Picture of Arnd


2024-04-08 Windless, overcast and rolly

Windless morning

I got up with the sun and it was dead calm out there, but the invisible swell was still present and causing the monohulls in the anchorage to roll and rock. There are some clouds covering the sun this morning, so I ran then engine to replenish the batteries and ran the watermaker to clean the system out rather than just flush it out. Watermakers need to be run or flushed often to prevent anaerobic growth which can clog up the system and/or make the water taste bad.

Norma Jean entering the lagoon
Norma Jean entering the lagoon

I could have skipped running the engine this morning. The sun has been out much of the day and my battery chargers switched to “float” at 13:00 or so. All those extra lumens are now going to waste. But at least all the battery banks are now getting exercised to capacity.

I took a break and decided to start cleaning and inspecting the engine cylinders, but that was a messy endeavour and when I tried cycling the cylinders the diesel pump sprayed everywhere. I used the cleanup cloths with diesel to clean the cylinder walls and heads, so it wasn’t a total loss.


I’ve turned on the radio to Island 92, signalling the end of my home-office workday. The station plays some good Rock and blues (plus a lot of very bad commercials). Some of the commercials wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t speak to quickly. I asked Dr. Soc about that once, and he said, “If they buy a 30 second commercial slot, and submit a 40 second soundtrack, then it gets digitally sped up to fit into the slot”. While the computer doesn’t change the pitch, it does sound like Eddie Murphy or Robin Williams on amphetamines.

Happy Hour
Sun and approaching rain
Sun and approaching rain

I was tired of being alone all day aboard Zanshin, so I headed into the lagoon at 17:00 (after showering away the day’s accumulation of dirt) and went to the Soggy Dollar. It was almost empty – I can’t understand the dynamic of which days are busy and why.