
Last night was quite loud ashore, with the music booming until about 04:00 and my poor ears only 100 yards away from the speakers. I donned my earplugs after midnight but still heard or felt the beat.
I woke up and made my coffee while logging into work and proceeded to earn my keep. The Starlink technology is wonderful, and I haven’t noticed more than one temporary internet outage since I’ve been here.

The angle of the sun in the morning is too steep for effective solar production, but from about 10AM onwards the panels are currently averaging around 100W together, which is about what I’m using with the inverter, monitor and computer plus the DC loads such as the fridge. By the time noon rolls around, the panels are starting to charge the batteries. My older panels are nominally 2×125 = 250W but in reality, they struggle to output 100W while the two new panels really work well when they aren’t shaded.
Noontime heat

The winds have settled down and it has gotten quite toasty belowdecks. Thankfully the little fans keep the air moving sufficiently to cool me down, and I’ve got lots of water to drink in order to keep hydrated long enough for happy hour.
I’m still trying to figure out my new complex electrical charging system. Charging from solar panels is different from getting a constant supply from a generator or shore power system. But I’m making a bit of progress.
I’ve ordered 2 panels to replace the dead ones on the foredeck. The order was placed last week, along with some mounting brackets and through-hulls. I should have known that Renogy wouldn’t ship everything in one package but split it into 3 or 4. That also means I have to pay extra charges at Four Star Cargo as they are merely a freight forwarder, not a freight consolidator.
Afternoon and Evening

I had some happy-hour drinks with a fellow sailor before wandering up and down the main strip and trying to decide which establishment to enter for some sustenance. In the end I opted for Chinese.