Electec repairing my generator
Electec repairing my generator
Picture of Arnd


2024-03-18 Rained out on Monday

Lagoon anchorage
Lagoon anchorage

I was up early and working remotely as I’m expecting the technician from Electec aboard to analyse the issues my generator is experiencing. But the morning progressed without a visit and without an e-mail until shortly before noon, where I got an e-mail asking me to pick up the technician at 13:30. In my book that’s not quite in the “morning” timeframe, but we are in the Caribbean…

Bravado thruster in action
Bravado thruster in action

I’m still working and soon will head ashore to pick up the technician. The weather is looking a bit better, but the cloud cover is preventing the charging from doing more than 1-4A because I’ve got the inverter running with the Starlink, computer and monitor all eating up the power that the panels are supplying.

Electec arrival
Electec repairing my generator
Electec repairing my generator

I picked up Carl and his assistant at 13:30 and brought them back to Zanshin. They quickly got to work and had the parts taken off which I’d spent much more time removing while I was trying to repair the generator. The new fuel pump I’d put in was working, I’d not messed that up. But it wouldn’t start, and the starter was rather slow. I switched to a new battery but that didn’t help. He saw a puff of fuel/air pop out the supply side as I’d done – but Carl drew the right conclusion that I had valve issues and that the top end would need to be removed. But before he could do that he’d need to order a replacement gasket for the generator, and that would take a couple of days. Oh well, at least we made some progress.

I brought them back to Electec and picked up my laundry at Lagoonie’s at the same time. 


I was tired and opted not to do anything ashore for the evening.