Coburg on New Year's Day
Coburg on New Year's Day
Picture of Arnd


2024-01-01 Starting the New Year

New Year with a Bang

The Germans love fireworks to herald starting a new year, shooting off an estimated €180 million around midnight last year. This year might have been bigger despite attempts to reduce what many consider to be a waste of money. The weather played along, with the recent weeks of rain letting up.

Decisions, Decisions…

I’d put off deciding whether to postpone my upcoming trip to today. The main bandages are now removed from my hand and I’m starting to move the finger a bit. Most of the sutured areas are healing and are sealed, but there is a section which hasn’t and is still an open wound. While the nerves at the tip and root of the finger are working, the middle part is still number and that is most likely permanent. But what worries me is heading to the tropics and to remote areas with a known open wound. I have two Steri-Strips bridging that area and am going to apply bandages to make sure I can’t move that part of the finger and will postpone my final travel decision by one or two days.

Changing Flights

I opted to postpone my return to the Caribbean after all, but couldn’t change my ticket online. Thanks to Skype I could call the BA support line in the U.K. without having to worry about long waits draining my phone account. The change wasn’t easy, and now I had to send medical paperwork to BA so that they would change my flight for me, and that will take a couple of days.


I hate returning from a trip to a messy place, so much of my remaining time here is budgeting towards clean-up, a sort of reverse spring cleaning. Since I’ve been essentially one-handed for the past weeks, the place has gotten rather messy.