La Sagesse beachfront
La Sagesse beachfront
Picture of Arnd


2023-07-25 La Sagesse

La Sagesse retreat beach panorama
La Sagesse beach panorama

The La Sagesse retreat on Grenada has 24 rooms At the moment only 2 of them are occupied. It is the “off season” time of year although there is a big Carnival in August event called Spicemas where the hotels will fill up for a week. The tourist season doesn’t begin again until November. I like the hotel. My room has 3 ceiling fans in the bedroom and a good-sized rotating fan on the floor. Those keep the air circulating and shutters in the windows are open to allow air flow as well. The mosquito nets in the windows are doing an admirable job of keeping those pesky mozzies out with their Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika payloads.

La Sagesse
Flat beach at la Sagesse retreat
Flat beach at la Sagesse
Caribbean beach at la Sagesse Retreat
Caribbean beach

The bay is protected by reefs and has a narrow entrance and shallow water. That makes for a very small, but regular, break on the beach. Small waves give soothing background noise. The water is shallow all through the bay and therefore there is no interesting snorkelling due to the sandy bottom. Nonetheless I spent hours walking the beach. And then sitting in the shade of a palm tree in the sand in front of my room. The bar has a picture perfect view of the beach, so I ended up sitting there for a long time as well.

La Sagesse retreat bar
La Sagesse bar

It was a very relaxing day indeed, la Sagesse retreat is a great place to unwind. It was a great retreat for me today.