Today is my really final Anse la Roche Day. Do you recall as kids when someone would draw a line in the dirt and say “You’d better not cross this line, or else!”. Then another kids would step over it and the first would redraw a new line and proclaim “You’d better not cross this line, or else! I REALLY mean it this time!”. Today is my really final Anse la Roche day. I really mean it this time.
The rolling set in a bit later today, perhaps it is more related to the tide than sunrise. But I know that it would, eventually, stop. It took a while, but it finally did. Although it does seem that the rolling only set in when I’m making coffee or cooking, or attempting something that requires a stable platform…

I took a break from work and began the first step of packing my belonging for the return trip. This was to locate the high-security (and difficult to replace) house key for my flat back in Europe. I thought I’d secreted it in a compartment in my backpack – but it wasn’t there. Then I remembered thinking it made no sense to lug the key around for months and putting the key somewhere secure. Evidently, it was quite secure as I couldn’t find it. As is always the case, it was the last place I looked (which makes sense, since only an idiot would continue looking once finding it). But it took over an hour to locate; taking a significant chunk out of my lunch break and the really final Anse la Roche day.

I’ve now shut off my workstation and am sitting at the computer debating what to do next. I should get my electronic gear out and check the bilge detector and relay; if I get that working then the odds of my boat filling up from rainwater goes down. That could happen if the mast leak develops again.
It’s time for a swim, so I cooled down in the water and got my aerobic exercise removing some the green stuff growing on the hull. This time it wasn’t fun because there was no current to move the detritus away and when I showered off the stern afterwards my trunks were crawling with larvae again.
I packaged up my old GoPro and brought it over to Mark; I have a second GoPro so don’t need the ancient one and Mark doesn’t have an underwater camera. He does now.

I fired up the BBQ for my last Merguez sausage and added some bread. I ate that while watching one of the old Dirty Harry movies. My, how policing in general, and in San Francisco, has changed over the years.