I re-anchored yesterday because the temporary wind shift had Zanshin backing up into the rocks ashore. Normally, I would have set a kedge anchor, but it was (and still is) buried in the dinghy garage and not immediately accessible. I didn’t have the time yesterday to get it set up and deployed, as I would have hit the rocks in the interim. Hence my repositioning. But that little change has converted this idyllic anchorage from Heaven to Hell; or perhaps just a bit of purgatory.
After the winds had returned to normal I was thinking of repositioning. Yet before I could re-anchor back where’d been, another boat had slipped in and taken my prime slot. They don’t look like they intend to move anytime soon, and I can’t blame them. So I’m about 100 feet further away from shore now, and anchored in the position where I’d watched, with Schadenfreude, the other boat roll around a couple of days ago. Now I’m doing the same thing.
Last night for about 2 hours my stern was to the waves, causing loud and bothersome slamming. Right now I’m rolling around because I’m exposed to the swell wrapping around the headland. The other boats, including the interloper, are not moving around at all. I still have an hour of work to do before I can do something about the situation.
I’m afraid my options are limited. The anchorage is small and the boat distribution is currently such that I can’t squeeze in anywhere. So my only choice is to depart, sadly. I had wanted to stay here long and explore ashore; but I value my sleep and comfort more and see no reason not to go to a calmer location.

Enough is enough! I had some waves slamming astern to make the boat vibrate, and at the same time Zanshin was rolling around enough to knock over a glass (it was in the sink already, but still…).

I turned on the instruments, fired up the engine and weighed anchor. After leaving the anchorage and heading downwind I started thinking about where I was going, rather than where I was escaping from. My choices were either Sandy Island or going into Tyrell Bay. After some thought I chose Sandy Island; since I knew it would be protected despite looking open. If the toll collectors were around I might have continued onwards to Tyrell Bay but they were absent.
Afternoon and Evening

Although it looks more exposed here at Sandy Island, it is protected from major swells in all directions so despite seeing whitecaps everywhere and a strong breeze blowing past, Zanshin is lying solidly at anchor. So it is back to Heaven from Hell.
I flagged down the Paradise Beach Club launch shortly before sundown and went ashore for some company and a pizza before getting shuttled back to Zanshin.