
I’ve just come off a 3-hour conference call and am taking a break to make coffee and update the website. Then comes the next set of calls. It is still rolling enough to make pouring water into the coffee filter something to be exercised with caution.Lunch
I can see the end of the work day in the near future. The anchorage is lovely, the water inviting, and the temperature below decks high. After completing work, I went on a snorkel trip to the rocks upwind.Evening
I’ve been invited over to Sea Life for dinner and rolling Anse la Roche as I wait for that time to come around. At present we are still the only two boats in the anchorage. The others from last night have long since departed.
Mark made BBQ chicken in Caribbean Style and it was very good indeed. As we waiting for the smoky BBQ to do its job, a big schooner Diamant came in and anchored just behind and outside of us. So we weren’t going to remain alone in the anchorage after all.
Some rain dropped on us and I took that as a sign to return, as I’d left my hatches wide open for ventilation. The rain was somewhat surprising, as we could see stars in the moonless sky and couldn’t identify where that cloud was.