I’m anchored in St. Pierre. The anchorage is an open roadstead on the chart, but since it is well-hidden in the lee of Martinique it is quite well protected. It was calm all night, the only sounds coming from racing motorcycles on the nearby road.

I had a full day at the office today, working from 06:00 to 14:30 with just short breaks for coffee and to stretch my legs. The city office where I can clear in closes at 14:00, so I’ll have to postpone my formalities until tomorrow. It is cloudy and overcast today, and those clouds up in the hills promise rain. Not one drop has arrived yet. I am ready; I’ve got a bucket, mop and cloth prepared so that I can work on removing the accumulated salt encrustations from the passage here. I might split my work day into two sections tomorrow so that I can go ashore, visit the city of St. Pierre, do some shopping and clear back into France.

What to do? Put the generator back together? Clean up forward? Plan dinner? Surf the internet? I did more of the latter than any of previous one.

But at 16:00 it started raining, so I stripped down to my skivvies and went outside. I got going with the big cloth/towel to get the encrustations on the lifelines loosed, then a soft pass on the plexiglass and the dodger surfaces. By then it had stopped raining, but it looked good for another shower soon. When that came, I scrubbed down the non-skid surfaces. I was dismayed at the chalky runoff. That means I need to apply some wax ASAP.

It has stopped raining, but is still overcast. If it really comes down hard again I’ll do another run around the decks; but if it just drizzles I’ll skip getting cold and wet outside. I’m anchored in St. Pierre but haven’t gotten any gusts of wind that might move me; including during the rain.
Although now that I’m back at the computer with the hatches closed it feels hot again.