Golden sunset from Sahara sand
Golden sunset from Sahara sand
Picture of Arnd


2023-06-06 Another day in paradise

I’m drinking the coffee I purchased at Domain Vanibel last week now, as my supplies from Antigua are exhausted. The coffee is only 20% from Guadeloupe and the rest from South America, but the mix is interesting and taste is mellow with a hint of bitterness. Overall a well-roasted and balanced bean that makes a good morning coffee. It is the beginning of another day in paradise.

I’m now on my second cup and it is late morning. I started a lengthy running job and am looking at my galley with the intent of making some eggs and toasted baguette and washing up from last night while the program runs. 

Dishes drying
Dishes drying

I did the washing up, but not the breakfast. One of the advantages of having a watermaker aboard is that the water doesn’t have too many dissolved minerals left after reverse osmosis. This means that drip-drying works well, without spots.

The past couple of days have been very hazy, there’s a lot of Saharan dust in the air behind the frontal passage. That means that there are no more (boring) sunset pictures available in the blog at the moment.


I waited until after 15:00 before heading into town; as all the stores would remain closed until then. The bakery was closed, which was a disappointment. It turns out that they only remain open daily until noon. The grocery store was open, and I got some supplies to take back to the boat, including a baguette whose growth was somewhat stunted. After shopping I went for my daily hull scraping session. This time there was a lot less gunk, but I had to dive deep and long to find new growth. And I’m certain that spots I’d cleaned yesterday now had new green fuzz growing!

Sahara dusty sunset at the end of another day in paradise
Sahara dusty sunset

This time there was a bit of a golden glowing sunset due to the Sahara sand in the air, but overall it remains hazy. For dinner I’m going to make some rice and BBQ 2 sausages I picked up at the supermarket today. I don’t know what they are, but the looked pretty tasty to me at the time.

I didn’t make rice, but toasted half a baguette with compound butter on the BBQ. The sausage were indeed quite tasty, but I’d thawed out 2 and one was enough. The fish got the other one, and half the half baguette, too.