I started early and hope to get ashore in the Saintes later on today. I’ve not left the boat in a while and need to stretch my legs. I missed my first meeting at work, but am plodding along now. I’m optimistic that I’ll escape ashore later on in the day.
The boat has a nice solid crust of salt from the passage, and the little drizzle from this morning wasn’t enough to wash it away. I’m hoping for some real rain soon.
Early Afternoon

After shutting down my work session, I donned a fresh T-shirt and dinghied into Terre-de-Haut. It was like a ghost town. None of the stores or other places were open. Partially due to it being just shy of 14:00, but mainly because it is off-season. I’m not sure if I’m going to head ashore tonight for dinner; if it is that empty I might as well just stick aboard Zanshin.

The small grocery store store was open and I got a few smaller items, plus 4 cans of local Corsaire beer which are now chilling in the freezer. I hope that I can wait long enough to let the first one cool down enough to be marginally palatable.

I thought that my second pass at cleaning and scraping the hull would be less onerous than the first one. I was wrong. The seas were very calm, so all the scrapings just drifted around me and gave the larvae time to relocate (temporarily).

The stable conditions also let me dive deeper and longer to scrape away the biotope growing on my hull. This time I had shower gel, a shower puff and towel handy after my work. And by now the beer was cold, and tasted great after my thorough cleansing and scrubbing.

Another sunset is fast approaching and I’m in a quandary. Cook something aboard or head back into town?
I stayed aboard and thawed out the last of my baguettes and added some goat cheese.