Another early morning so that I can get work done remotely. I’m almost gone from Antigua, but not quite there yet. It turns out that there is a lot more testing to do than I originally planned, so I can’t get out of Falmouth in time to make Deshaies by dark. So I’ll postpone my departure until sunrise tomorrow.
The new coffee is darker than I expected, but freshly roasted and tasty. It is great to have a brew that still has a bit of life in it and “blooms“. I had more than usual this morning, mainly because it tasted so good and went down smoothly. The other reason was lengthy calls where sipping coffee helps pass the time.
I’ve caught up on work and soon I can log off and prepare both Zanshin and myself for the upcoming passage. The weather will be mild, but I still need to stow lots of gear in preparation. I’d hate for things to fall over during my travels. I’m even more “almost gone from Antigua” than I was this morning, although I haven’t changed position.

Finished at the office. Now, instead of cleaning up, I tried to get those pesky responsive menus up and running on the website. My, how quickly time flies when trying to make a website look good…
I think I’ll clean up and go ashore to Club Sushi for Trivia night; that will make a welcome diversion prior to departing tomorrow morning.

I did clean up and went to Quiz Night. The crowd was light and nobody needed a singleton player, so I sat alone at the bar.

But soon another player asked me to join her, and sometime thereafter we were joined by another two players to make a team of 4. We did well, until the music round (again). But we did place 3rd – not quite good enough for free drinks.