I slept like a log last night and caught up on my sleep. I’m relaxing on Sunday and won’t do much at all except edit the remaining pictures and posting to this blog. I might try to do some cleaning work but don’t think I’ll get very far
Two batches of coffee is all I did in the morning, apart from editing the pictures from the past couple of days. On some days I took over 300 pictures and my first pass halved that amount, then the next pass took some more out. After that I’d edit them and once all that was finished I’d once again cull the herd down to a manageable amount.
I’m not sure if I’m going to go ashore tonight, or make dinner aboard. I’m tending towards getting a steak out of the freezer and thawing it out with sous vide prior to cooking it for dinner. I’ll add some rice and make some pepper sauce to complete the meal.

The tenderloin steak is bubbling away in the sous vide cooker and I’m looking forward to a perfect steak tonight. The editing of pictures is proceeding slowly and I’m not sure I’ll catch up all the way today.
The steak was perfect, cooked to 55C and medium rare and finished on high heat on the BBQ with a bit of my compound butter to give it some kick. Pepper sauce and rice rounded off the meal. There’s no better way to end a relaxing day on Sunday.