Early morning

I woke earlier than I needed to. Today we had our final tasks for Antigua Sailing Week which consist mainly of returning the committee boats to the charter base as Jolly Harbour. I’d tried to ascertain if the engine had been repaired, but Alec wasn’t logged into WhatsApp so I didn’t get the good news until I arrived aboard.

The port engine had been repaired and the starboard engine alternator belt tightened. Both Neil and Alec accompanied me on the downwind trip to Jolly. They had spare time as their flight wasn’t leaving until the late evening.

We were last to leave and despite setting our jib remained number 3 of 3 the whole way. Since I knew that we’d have to hover around the fuel dock until our predecessors were fueled and watered, I slowed down and took a detour that kept us out of the following seas and closer to shore.

Despite the slow pace, we still had 10-15 minutes of waiting at the fuel dock. After taking care of that we were motored to the dock. A short time thereafter we had the first debriefing and questionnaire regarding everything but the technical aspects of the boat.

That was, overall, quite positive. I had a lengthy list of broken, inoperable and unsatisfactory items aboard but after waiting an hour for that debriefing we all gave up and took a minibus back to Falmouth.

The final tasks for Antigua Sailing Week have now been completed and the event is over for us. We returned in time for lunch at Bar-B’s at the AYC with Clare. I’d not eaten there in a long time, despite it being so close. My BLT was tasty indeed. After the meal I returned to Zanshin to do some showering, picture editing and cleaning.

I got started on the first 2 out of 3. Neil and Alec were leaving the AYC at 18:00 so I planned on going there an hour beforehand to say goodbye, and get some air-conditioning. But I got involved with the editing and didn’t notice the time until 18:30, too late to say farewell.
I’d made a sandwich in the late afternoon and had some beer for dinner. I wasn’t hungry so skipped dinner in lieu of getting an early night’s long sleep. I did read my book for spell before my eyelids started drooping and I turned off the light.