Mark and Marjorie on Sea Life
Mark and Marjorie on Sea Life
Picture of Arnd


2023-04-03 I need to get off the boat


I need to get off the boat and away from this incessant rolling motion! I am stuck in my home-office work right now so cannot leave, but the minute my workday is over I’m going ashore.

There are 2 types of creaking I can hear. One is when the boat rolls more than usual, it is a quiet noise from my closet area.  But if the boat rolls enough to let items slide around then there is a very loud creak from the bathroom area. I localized where it is coming from but cannot fix it due to access problems. But last night the loud noise wasn’t intermittent but continuous. Now in daylight it isn’t any better.


Even braced in the corner of the galley it was tough to pour water into the coffee filter without spilling. Walking about belowdecks requires using handholds, as well. And on occasion all motion stops, and I have high hopes that it will remain that way – then it starts up again with a vengeance.

The big weather picture shows this continuing for 3 days. If I can escape from work long enough to clean my propellor then I’ll take the 3PM inbound bridge into the lagoon.


Although I need to get off the boat, I haven’t done so quite yet. It has been busy at work and no opportunity has presented itself. The rolling is still pronounced but it seems to have gotten a bit better for the moment. 

After work I am going to take the depth sounder and check out my possible locations inside the lagoon. Plus, I really need to dive on the propellor to make sure it is free of growth so that I can relocate when I want to.


It is 15:30 and I’m going to call it a day at work. I can’t be particularly productive at the computer anymore in this rolling. First, I’m going to snorkel the prop and also clean the dinghy bottom (it is looking more than a little green). I’ve been invited aboard Sea Life with Marjorie and Mark tonight but have to admit that I’m not feeling particularly hungry quite yet. But they are anchored a lot close to shore and that should be a more stable location.


I dinghied across to Sea Life shortly before sunset. Their anchoring spot close to the beach is significantly calmer than my spot. Yet they are just a couple of hundred meters away. I’ll have to check it out with the depth sounder and dinghy tomorrow and see if I can find a more comfortable place to keep Zanshin.

Mark had slaved away all day and prepared succulent ribs accompanied by what he called a classic German side dish (boiled potatoes). The meal really was excellent and his pièce de Résistance was a fine flan dessert. The wine and company were great, and I returned to Zanshin quite late at night considering my early start at the office the next day.