Waves hitting the shore
Waves hitting the shore
Picture of Arnd


2023-02-09 Rolling in Grand Case


I felt refreshed this morning and sat down in my office with a cup of coffee in hand for a day at work. The Starlink RV is up and running and working quickly and the rocking waves aren’t too bad. Yet. I’m rolling a bit in Grand Case already.

My login at work is done with a combination of two passwords and an authentication SMS. That SMS is the only reason I even have a smartphone turned on while aboard. But this morning the SMS code refused to arrive. My phone seems to be in order, but I rebooted it regardless. Still no SMS after the restart. Although the carrier (Digicel-F) signal is there, they seem to be having internal problems and I can’t get calls or messages out. I’ve checked my pre-paid account and it still has a balance and should be working.

Late Morning

Still no SMS, so I’m working on local PowerPoint presentations until such time as the network works again.

I’ve got several work-related tasks that don’t require me to login, so I’m not stuck without work, but I’d rather still be able to head into the office and complete some tasks.


Just before noon my phone started beeping and several of the SMS messages arrived. I wonder what happened to the others? That means that I can login to work now – but it also implies that I won’t be going ashore for a while. I’ve got quite a bit of work to catch up on.

For the record – it is no fun to be aboard right now.

I believed the initial weather report that there would be no north swell in Grand Case. That was a mistake – there is a significant north swell. With the wind coming from the east it means that the boats in the anchorage are lying sideways to the waves. While catamarans might not care, monohulls like Zanshin – and their occupants – do. I just did the dishes and the glasses I put out to dry have tipped over because of the rolling action.

Waves hitting the shore and rolling in Grand Case
Waves hitting the shore

I just tried to take my garbage ashore and do some provisioning at the local Chinese store. I did not attempt it. The waves are currently washing over the dinghy dock. I could have used a stern anchor and timed my dock approach in order to avoid damage. But I opted not to risk it – one of the few dinghies at the dock has already turtled and others are taking damage.

I’m not seasick, just tired of getting rolled around. I can deal with rolling but I think I might have to dig deep into my single-malt reserves in order to do so…


Still rolling in Grand Case. I’ve got a burger thawed and ready to hit the BBQ for dinner but I really do need to go ashore to do some shopping on the morrow.