Morning to mid-afternoon
The day began early with meetings and work. Since I’ll be taking a real vacation as of Thursday, there’s a lot work to finish before departing the virtual office. The shifting winds and the location of my satellite antenna also caused me several network outages at rather inconvenient times.
The pesky PC freezes and consequent reboots didn’t help my mood, either. I’ve got a brand new computer, have installed the patches and updates and firmware, yet still get these wonderful BSODs from Windows with 0 chance of collecting diagnostics as to what the actual cause is. All I see “critical process died”. How about telling me which critical process died, perhaps just as a hint or a teaser?
After work
There is a north swell coming in, so I decided to switch my anchoring spot to the other side of Simpson Bay. The first spot that I completed anchoring in turned out to let me swing just a bit too close to a sunken barge if the wind shifts. The seconds spot I anchored in, and even raised the anchor ball, was perfect. It wasn’t until I shut off the engine and was about to go below that I realized I’d anchored in the channel leading to the bridge. The third spot felt OK, but after settling down the wind swung me in front of another boat. I wasn’t too close, but would definitely be above their anchor chain. The fourth one finally turned out to be acceptable.

I had a visit from a fellow Jeanneau owner with a pretty new Jeanneau. They are planning on using the good wind conditions to sail to the USVI tomorrow. I didn’t get any preparatory work done at all; I just barely managed to take the laundry to Lagoonie’s and limp into the SMYC for the 5 o’clock bridge opening. It was nice to talk to people at the bar and I was too lazy to return and cook. The menu is chock full of tasty and unhealthy items and I grabbed the worst offender – ribs. I was very pleasantly surprised when they arrived, they were among the best I’ve had!