I’m chilling aboard on this Saturday, trying not to do much of anything. I’d received an unsatisfactory e-mail from the broker the night before but opted not to answer while I was angry. The last part of the mail stated:
…Knowing that the shipment is here now, I can try to get it out on Monday.
This was not what I wanted to read, as he’s already implying that I’ll only get my package on Monday if he really puts in an effort. I just did a quick look at flights and for pretty much the same price I could have flown to Florida, picked up the package, and flown back here! That would have taken 2 days and now I’m being prepared for a Tuesday delivery. I really should have listened to those who warned me about shipping to St. Lucia. It has been an expensive and disappointing experience so far.
I know I should use my time today to work on chores, but I’m on my second cup of coffee and it is only 08:00 and I don’t know which task I should start. First, I need to disinfect and oil my tools. They had contact with the limescale and salt water and even though I hadn’t used that toilet in 6 months I’m not going to take a chance. The tools also rust very quickly if all traces of saltwater are not removed.
I ran the engine to charge the batteries and simultaneously did the dishes in the dishwasher. I will need to run the watermaker soon, as I have two water tanks and one is just under 50% full now. That’s not bad for 2 weeks at anchor.

I’ve cleaned the tools and have worked at ordering my medical supplies. Some of the medication is pretty old and needs to be disposed of. The winds are strong in the anchorage, certainly 15-20 knots if not more. I just got a new neighbor, the Peter von Seestermühe, a beautiful classic yawl.
I was not able to resist the temptation to go ashore for food rather than make my lunch or mid-afternoon snack myself, so I dinghied to Pigeon Island and had a baguette while enjoying the view and company of some German sailors who joined me at the table. The wind was still quite strong, so I decided not to head into Rodney Bay Marina but remain aboard for the rest of the day. I’ll go to the marina tomorrow for dinner.
No words or further text is necessary.