Nighttime at the anchorage
While the boat still swings at anchor and occasionally rolls, it is comfortable here. I do have to locate that one exceptionally loud creaking panel, though.
There’s a long and slow burning fire somewhere ashore. Not only can I smell the smoke, but I can see a distinct layer on the water. Perhaps the breeze, when it fills in, will blow it away.
It is surprising how much nicer the day looks after a good night of rest! Today will consist of home office and boat maintenance. I’m drinking my coffee and catching up with my e-mails and looking forward to my workday at the virtual office. My Starlink RV has shipped, which is positive news indeed. I’m sending it to Mike in Virginia, who will initialize the system and then repack it and courier it to me here in St. Lucia. With any luck I should have it aboard in a matter of days.

I had a nicely chilled local grapefruit for breakfast. I cut it up on the board and made a mess of seeds and rinds and felt a bit guilty disposing of it. I’d disposed of the coarsely cut remains off the back transom and hoped that the wind and tide would carry it off to sea. As I returned to the deck I saw that someone else had done the same thing, but in grand style. That made me feel a bit less guilty, particularly as I’d produced smaller pieces and a lot less detritus.

Not a typical lunch break, I girded my loins and attacked the toilet project again. Taking to heart some advice from the Jeanneau Owner’s Forum I unscrewed the base, and, to my joy, it was indeed fastened by 3 screws and not 3 bolts. I’ve got it taken apart and am letting it dry while I finish work after my lunch break. It is hot here with no wind and I realized that I’ve been letting my hair grow a bit, so out came my trimmer and my first pass saw a lot of hair fall. A LOT of hair, considering I don’t have much in the way of reserves. It turns out that the longest setting is 3mm and that is a pretty short buzz cut. Once started the cut needed to be finished and I feel shorn…

More home office and boat maintenance. I split my time between computer work and toilet work. This kept me busy during the afternoon and into the evening. I had new neighbors arrive and old ones depart. The French boats always seem to anchor too close, even when there is lots of room. The American boats give everyone much more swinging room. Considering that there is no wind in the forecast for the next couple of days I’m not too worried about someone banging into Zanshin.