Cleaning up Zanshin
Cleaning up Zanshin
Picture of Arnd


2022-11-23 Cleaning and Computer update

I spent the day cleaning and updating the computer. There were several Windows 11 updates to download, and the internet was quite slow. Those downloads and updates took most of the day. I interspersed times at the monitor with cleaning up the dusty cabin. Shopping at the Massey store at mall broke up the day too. I will need to wait until I get the fridge cleaned up before doing the main provisioning.

I wanted to start the engine to see if it is running well and checked the fuel gauges before going topsides. The two tanks both pegged at “FULL” and that got me worried. The main tank should only be about 3/4 full. Now I need to figure out a way to see if there’s been water ingress into the tank without turning on the engine!  One more chore before departing, but an important one. Last time I had water in the fuel it blew out my high-pressure fuel system and that was a major disaster. It cost a lot of time and money to get that repaired.

I had a beer during happy hour and after being ignored by the staff at the pizza place for 10 minutes I decided to give the Sea Salt Restaurant a try. The food and service were great. Sated, I returned to the boat and finished the last update and re-boot cycles. At least I finished the tasks of cleaning and updating the computer today.