Karaoke at the bar
Picture of Arnd


2022-11-21 Beach and Sail Day

At the bar and listening to Karaoke, beach and sail day
Listening to Karaoke at the bar

Today was a beach and sail day. After waiting for 2 days to get back aboard the Hobie Wave I got my chance. It was gusty and they said that normally they wouldn’t have allowed guests out but made an exception for me. I don’t know if they were quite truthful about that, as it really wasn’t bad. I hopped aboard and had a wild ride for almost 2 hours. Part of the time I was flying a hull (just a bit) and once almost tipped the Hobie. Lincoln was aboard “Cyrilla” at anchor, so I sailed by to say “hi”.

Lincoln is always working on upgrading Cyrilla; he’s now got a major powerplant with the solar panels. Soon the catamaran will be a superyacht on the inside. Sort of the boating equivalent to a “sleeper” car.

I returned to the shore and planned on sailing some more after drinking some water, but another guest had booked lessons, and then the heavy weather moved in. No more sailing for 2 days as the tropical trough dumps rain on the island moves past.

Karaoke singingI was hungry after my beach and sail day and had a big meal. After dinner they had Karaoke night at the bar. Luckily, I didn’t get up to sing as that would have cleared out the crowd! It was fun to listen to various guests sing to varied music, but I was tired from sailing, drink and dinner so retired early at about 22:00.