
Today is going to be a computer work day. It is overcast outside today, so that works out well.
I’m running low on coffee, but the roastery is sure to be closed today so I’ll have to postpone that shopping run until tomorrow. I’ve got enough for a couple of days, but just like smokers need a spare pack, or avid readers need a backup book, I need the psychological backup of sufficient coffee reserves.
I gave the generator another try this morning, making sure that the intake coolant water was turned off. But the engine would run as long as I held the the starter button down and stop immediately when I let go. And it was running roughly making “funny” noises. The term “funny” equates to “expen$ive” when used in conjunction with engines.
I’ll be using some complex software in a program called Expedition for the upcoming Newport-Bermuda race and have installed it and am beginning the process of familiarization. It is a daunting project indeed, but mastering this tool will hopefully help in optimizing our racer’s speed for the race.

Just before noon I headed ashore and went to the Seabreeze Café for a coffee and croissant. As they were out of pastries I chose just the coffee. The internet there is free, but very slow. I used it to download some updates for Windows while playing with the Expedition software.
Back aboard the boat I did some more work on the computer and tried to take a nap, but it was so hot and stuffy in the shade of the dodger that I gave up after a while and went back to the computer to work on cleaning up my photo collection. I am a pack rat when it comes to pictures but there are some days when I get the urge to clean up a bit. Today I went through the 300+ pictures labelled as either a sunrise (not many of those) or sunset and culled quite a few that were either duplicates or kind of boring sunsets.

Club Sushi has steak night on Sunday and I went there early to give it a try again – the steak was perfect! I had taken an early dinner and as I was finishing up the place started filling up. This is good news, as usually Antigua in general and English/Falmouth in particular tend to shut down for the season this time of year. On the way back to Zanshin I used the calm in the anchorage to try some night shots from the dinghy.