Pigeon Point Beach day today! Rosie and Alec depart in the early afternoon, so I met them ashore and we dinghied from the AYC docks to Pigeon Point beach for some sun and sand. Plus a noon libation at Catherine’s Café.

Before that I had my coffee aboard and once more removed about 2l of diesel from the bilges underneath the generator and tried to connect to the internet to see what has been happening in the world.

I think that I’m coming to the end of the leaked diesel and once that’s finished I can find the leak, possibly repair it, and also get the impeller changed out.
I had dropped off my garbage (along with the broken microwave oven) and also placed my dirty clothes outside Sam & Dave Laundry to have them launder it. That’s when I realized that I only had $20 to my name in cash and desperately needed to replenish my supplies. My debit card didn’t work at either the grocery store nor the ATM at English Harbour so I had to resort to using my credit card. I don’t like doing that as they charge interest immediately.

Alec had told me that there would be a volunteer party at 17:00 so I headed out to the ASW offices but found nobody there. Either it was misinformation or the party was being held at the National Sailing Academy and I couldn’t be bothered to walk over there – even for free booze. So I tried the 2 six 8 craft brewery local beer and found it tasty and then had some conversations at the bar before eating a snack and retiring back to the boat where I almost managed to finish my book before nodding off for the night.