We’d purchased some steaks at Epicurean in Jolly Harbour when we returned the committee boats and today we escaped the confines of Falmouth Harbour and headed to nearby Carlisle Bay. There’s a beautiful beach and resort there, but we anchored outside and stayed aboard. I haven’t been there before, so when the depth read 10 feet under the keel I dropped the hook but after about an hour I decided to re-anchor closer to shore.

The waves outside were quite high and Zanshin was rolling around a lot. As the bottom was sand and sea-grass I decided to be brave and motor slowly inshore until I saw 6 feet under the keel and then re-anchored. That was a good choice, as conditions were a lot calmer in the new location.

The steaks got placed in the sous-vide cooker and we had some crisps and put some chorizo sausages on the BBQ as an appetizer. The main course was grilled corn-on-the-cob and some baked potatoes that I’d pre-heated in the microwave. Something must have gone wrong, as the microwave now no longer works. Either there’s a breaker somewhere behind the microwave oven or it has decided to give up. I’m not too worried as I don’t use it much – its main purpose in life is to hold my coffee ingredients. And luckily the microwave is a simple commercial device and not a special boat part.
The steak was good but I’d neglected to consider the heat of the BBQ and that they were quite thin and thus the medium-rare turned into medium… But no scraps of potato, corn, or steak remained on our plates when we were done. So it couldn’t have been that bad.