Old Fort St. Louis overlooking Marigot
Old Fort St. Louis overlooking Marigot
Picture of Arnd


Winter 2011-2012 Trip 2011-12-25

I opted to spend a slow day aboard and finish the inventory and cleaning up (i.e. vacuuming) the rest of the bilge areas aboard. I opened up the generator enclosure was quite surprised to see a lot of water sloshing around deep down underneath the generator. I tried to reach it, but my arms weren’t long enough and I set about trying to solve the problem of how to get the water out of there. First I dipped a paper towel and did the infamous taste-test and the water was sweet – well, the water wasn’t really sweet but it wasn’t salty. Then I dug out the new oil pump that I’d just inventoried and managed to fill 2 buckets with somewhat dirty water but couldn’t figure out where it might have come from; neither the washing machine nor the dishwasher showed any signs of leakage and I couldn’t tell which detergent might have been in the water. At least all is now dry and I’ll try to figure out where that water came from.

My old hosting company, who will remain unnamed although their name starts with “go” and the end rhymes with “baddy”, changed their software with little notice and the original SV-ZANSHIN.COM site stopped working overnight. 

Every.  Single.  Page. 


So I’ve transitioned to another provider. These original pages have been migrated, but all the formatting and other features are gone and the will still contain numerous display issues and formatting anomalies. 

The manual effort of conversion is too much and not worth the effort involved. Over 1000 blog diary pages like this one are going to remain in this condition. The pictures are full-scale, but won’t expand when clicked. But you can can copy them to view them in their original splendour.