Sunday, January 10, 2010
My final day in the BVI was a busy one, with lots of small tasks aboard Zanshin I to complete ranging from cleaning out and defrosting the fridge to cleaning the bilges and storing the dodger and Bimini. I finished those tasks by noon and them put the boat into the Nanny Cay haul out pit so that Zanshin I could be hauled first thing on Monday morning. My flight was scheduled for 5pm, so I arranged to get to Beef Island airport at 3pm and (how could things be different with LIAT) the flight didn’t leave until after 6pm. I had taken Carmen and Bernd’s recommendation for the Halcyon Cove hotel in Antigua and was well pleased with that choice, the only problem was that the air conditioning in the room was turned on and the remote was missing so I couldn’t turn it off or raise the freezing room temperature by any means other than opening the windows and patio doors..